5/22-23/17 – 21.4km/13.3mi from Guemes to Santander, and then a “day off” in Santander
The trail today went north from Guemes to the coast, where the path hugged the edge of a cliff and gave us marvelous views throughout the day. While we’ve all been seeing each other daily, today you could say we joined with the Las Vegas crew and our Magnificent Seven became a Terrific Ten. Great conversations through rolling hills and lovely ocean vistas. We then had a 2 mile walk along the Somo beach, which is opposite Santander Bay, where some of us took our shoes off, walked in the sand, and felt the healing power of the cold ocean water after a long day’s walk.
After a nice beer and lunch stop in Somo, we caught a ferry across the bay into Santander, where we planned to have a rest day the next day. Knowing we wouldn’t have to wake up at 530am to hit the road, we broke out the wine, had an amazing Italian dinner, and made merry!
Then we woke up nice and late, I took a stroll along the marina, folks did some shopping for needed supplies, we checked out the Santander Cathedral, beach, and the Magdalena castle. Then we had a great Mexican dinner cooked by Team Vegas, and gave a bittersweet goodbye to Joe, who had been the spiritual glue of our little group so far.